Micro Financing
NYDT disseminates the knowledge of Local marketing networks methodology and ensuring that they evolve into strong, effective and accountable microfinance and entrepreneurship service delivery institutions capable of extending outreach on a significant scale. NYDT promotes, extends and improves financial services to members of the savings groups through Community Shares. For a long time many organizations have been forming and training groups and leaving them unsupervised specialized and leading to deterioration or disintegration of these groups; so given the situation NYDT comes with well-known strategy to create sustainable groups by providing services of audit / assessment, leadership training, record keeping, business / agriculture business, marketing (add value crops, processing, providing services to connect manufacturers and marketing), providing financial services or connect with financial institutions, companies, production / sale of various tools of production and instructions on the proper use of these tools. With this strategy NYDT convinced that we will be successful to create sustainability of groups and their members and thus grow and thrive in the economic growth and well-being of the family and thus alleviate or reduce poverty on a large scale.