To promote effective youth participation, influence and benefit from the regional, national and international health, education and environmental protection processes through capacity building, advocacy and knowledge management based on the unmatched mix of professional and social economic skills.
A society in which youth are empowered to effectively participate, influence and benefit from national and international health and education processes.
About Us
NYDT provides short and long term consultancy service provision, training, and research to Local and International organizations. The programs also includes business development skills, nutrition and food security interventions, post-harvest management technology, decent employment through income generating activities as well as institutional and Management Capacity building.

What We Do?
Sustainable Agriculture
Research shows that, about 60% of land in Sub-Sahara Africa is uncultivated (TPSF report 2017). Tanzania’s economy depends mostly on agricultural sector. About 80 percent of Tanzanians depend on subsistence agriculture as a major economic activity. Research on agriculture show that, of 80% participants in agriculture youths constitute only 14%.
Climate Change (Mitigation & Adaptation)
It is widely agreed by the global community that the world’s climate is changing and will continue to change at unprecedented rates. Climate change is increasingly becoming a global concern as it poses a challenge to sustainable livelihoods, economic development and global security.
Micro Financing
NYDT disseminates the knowledge of Local marketing networks methodology and ensuring that they evolve into strong, effective and accountable microfinance and entrepreneurship service delivery institutions capable of extending outreach on a significant scale. NYDT promotes, extends and improves financial services to members of the savings groups through Community Shares.
Business Development Services
NYDT encourages and supports the marginalized groups in establishing self-help groups and promoting entrepreneurship includes skills development for income generating and access to micro credit among rural and urban poor.
Nutrition & Food Security
NYDT is much concerned with community nutrition by addressing stunting issues to the community in order to reduce the situation. To promote nutrition and food security we encourage the community at household level to involve in production of vegetables using simple technology of sac gardening, involve in poultry keeping ensuring that pregnant mothers access nutritious food like vitamins, minerals, fat and starch.
Health(Water, Sanitation & Hygiene)
Tanzania is one of the least developed countries – the HDI for Tanzania is 0.530, which gives the country a rank of 151th out of 182 countries. Majority of its people are not using an improved water source, sanitation and hygiene.
NYDT provides sanitary and sewage services in the community.
- Drinking water and safe sewages septic pit infrastructure construction support being priority.
- NYDT also provides palliative care.
NYDT supports Early Childhood Development (ECDS) by advocating the community to start the learning centres for the children. These would include Day Care, Pre-primary and primary education.
NYDT support vocational development skills to youth, computer skills training to youth and young women being priority.
Humanitarian Emergencies
NYDT takes it seriously to involve in humanitarian emergences like those related with epidemics, natural hazards like floods, droughts, displacement due to wars (refugees), etc. this accounts for her involvement in the WASH project in the Nyarugusu refugee Camp in Kasulu Kigoma in 2015 in collaboration with Plan International.
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Contact Us
- Kigoma, Tanzania
- +255 765794896 / +255 764438922 /+255 758265001
- info@nydt.or.tz