Grants profile S/N Project Name Donor Year Performed Activities 1. Organization Capacity Building FCS 2012 Capacity development of Staffs on project management, Reporting and Networking. Capacity development of youth on project idea, youth participation, natural resources opportunities for youth. 2. Improvement of youth’s health Public health Institute (PHI) 2012 Creating awareness on proper the use of misoprostol to stop excessive breeding during and after giving birth for young girls. 3. Tanzania-Youth To Youth Employment. ILO (FCS) 2013 /2016 Training to 5000 youths on entrepreneurship skills Linking youths to microfinance institutions for loans access. Establishment of CHIPUA financial groups for friendly loans. Supportive mentorship follow up and evaluation. Agribusiness on tomato and beans farming 4. Stop Child labor-Wekeza Youth Component in Collaboration with IRC USDOL(FCS)-WEKEZAPROJECT 2013/2014 Awareness to the parents and youths on child labor. Trainings on youth on business and life skills. Linking youths to vocational trainings and establishing CHIPUA financial groups aim for friendly loans and group business. Peer learning forum-youth platform 5. Agribusiness for youth Employment. ILO 2016 Training youths on agribusiness Training youths on SIYB 6. Education Quality Improvement Programme UKAID 2014/2017 Identification of local opportunities available in schools for development. 7. Participatory Actions for safeguarding Malagarasi river CEPF 2016 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Formation of District Multi-stakeholders Committees to conserve the catchment of Malagarasi. 8. Nitunze Malagarasi. CEPF 2017 Strengthening District Multi-stakeholders committee Forming and reviewing environmental bi-laws 9. Participatory action for Social accountability. FCS 2016/2017 Social Acountability and Monitoring (SAM) Public Expenditure Tracking System (PETS) 10. Tree Planting Project TNC 2017 Planting fruit and timber trees around Mahale ecosystem in Mgambo, Buhingu, Nkonkwa and Kalelan villages. 11. Addressing Stunting in Tanzania (ASTUT) UKAID 2017 Identification of existing groups in 43 villages in Kigoma District Working with community health workers. 12. Integrated Agriculture For Improvement of Small Holder Farmers MELINDER GATE FOUNDATION-AGRA 2017-2020 Extension services for farmers on Maize, Beans and Cassava (GAP) Establishment and management of demonstration plots 13. Good Food Upscalling Bio-ofortification in Tanzania (BIT) AGRA 2023 Extension sersvices on Pro vitamin A maize, High Iron and zinc beans (HIB) Mentoring of farmer organizations. 14. Strategic Partnership II (SPA II) ACTIONAID 2023-2024 Youth platforms Youth democratic space Social cohesion in fragile community Youth participation in agro-ecology. 15. Acelerated Innovative Delivery Initiative (AID-I) AGRA 2023-2024 Extension services on Maize, beans and cassava.