Climate Change (Mitigation & Adaptation)
It is widely agreed by the global community that the world’s climate is changing and will continue to change at unprecedented rates. Climate change is increasingly becoming a global concern as it poses a challenge to sustainable livelihoods, economic development and global security. Tanzania is vulnerable to the increased climate variability and climate change. Tanzania’s ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Kyoto Protocol in 1996 and 2002 respectively, is a step towards ensuring that climate change issues are addressed at the national level.
In response to this, the central theme of NYDT is to support most vulnerable communities to build up capacities and knowledge base for appropriate responses to the challenges and opportunities brought about by climate change. Of particular relevance is the focus on enhancement of a much greener environment by promoting natural forest conservation, reforestation and better agricultural practices for improved livelihoods as espoused in the “Reduced Emissions from Deforestations and Forest Degradation (REDD)” initiative.
In efforts to combat climate change, NYDT in collaborating with such environmental management partners as Tanzania Nature Conservers, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF),Tanzania Forest Fund, Kigoma – Ujiji Municipal Council, Uvinza District Council implements tree planting and modern beekeeping projects in Buhingu, Nkonkwa, Mgambo and Kalelan villages near the Great Mahale ecosystem along the shore of Lake Tanganyika.
Also, NYDT is implementing project to protect Malagarasi river valley from pollution, silting due to human activities in Kasulu, Kibondo and Uvinza district. This is done with support from Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)
NYDT involves youth groups get different training about climate change (combat and adaptation) so that they Can participate in different activities of planting appropriate tree species, conservation of natural forests , conservation of water resources and use of clean, affordable and reliable energy. Along with this, NYDT encourages farmers to engage in production of drought tolerant crops like cassava. However, it works towards improvement of cassava production by discouraging poor cassava species.
NYDT thus welcomes all global environmental well-wishers to give support on the efforts it puts to ensure that the nature is conserved and bio diversities are served.