Health(Water, Sanitation & Hygiene)

Tanzania is one of the least developed countries – the HDI for Tanzania is 0.530, which gives the country a rank of 151th out of 182 countries. Majority of its people are not using an improved water source, sanitation and hygiene. NYDT strategies take a broader coverage in terms of water supply and sanitation considering quantity, quality and distances to water points, also environmental health issues and also integrated water resource management. By addressing issues related to access to adequate safe water and to environmental health NYDT will contribute substantially to sustainable development goals (SDGs). This strategy include: Increasing the access to safe drinking water in rural areas achieving access to basic sanitation, reducing cholera outbreaks; increasing coverage of sanitation facilities, particularly in schools.

The preventive approach is to be realized in terms of household and environmental sanitation, hygiene and nutritional consciousness. Heath interventions is geared to primary and community based health care, activities included public health awareness campaigns training courses for health care delivery personnel provision of delivery kits, immunization of mothers, and children against the six infant killer disease.

Besides health and sanitation we are also involved in HIV/AIDS prevention and control among the communities we serve. Our goals are to reduce infant mortality rates and malnutrition rates and raise the average immunization rates. Campaigns to fighting malaria is not left behind the NYDT’s effort to ensure that the community is healthy.

NYDT has shown great efforts in health related matters as well as water and sanitation (WASH). As far as health is concerned; and in collaboration with Public Health Institute (PHI), NYDT worked to save breeding mothers after delivery.  The modality used involved use of misoprostol in Kasulu and Kibondo districts.

Concerning WASH, NYDT collaborated with Plan International to serve young children at Nyarugusu Refugee camp.  Activities involved working with children in ECD centres, promoting behavioral change related with health such as washing hands before and after meals, washing hands after visiting washrooms etc.

Reproductive Health Education for youths.  Nyakitonto Youth for Development Tanzania works to help youths have knowledge on reproductive health in secondary schools and in the community. Reproductive health in Tanzania in most areas is regarded as taboo, hence many youths fall vulnerable of the consequences arising from lack of such knowledge.  They fail to resist peer pressure and other associated psychosocial instincts hence unplanned pregnancies, STD, STIS and others of the same nature make youth victims.